Evaluating Structured Education in Acute Care Setting Targeting Pressure Ulcer Risks

Anne Sahingoz, Walden University


Pressure ulcers are associated with elevated mortality, morbidity, and healthcare costs. The U.S healthcare practices have continued to move towards a preventative model that incorporates patient and family participation, so the care of pressure ulcers must likewise incorporate preventative patient-centric strategies. The objective of the project was to evaluate a structured patient-centric pressure ulcer prevention education event (PUPET) in the acute care setting and to evaluate the efficacy of the method by comparing it to the standard unit education. Pre-/posttest data were collected from acute care medical surgical patients who were randomized into a control and intervention groups. Descriptive and correlational statistics of demographic data and results of the pre-/post surveys were obtained. A 2 x 2 measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) was done to compare the difference between the intervention and control groups pre-to postintervention knowledge. The average scores of the pretest and posttest for the intervention group (n = 18) were 59.44% and 94.44% respectively, a significant increase of 35 % from the initial learning event. The average scores of the control group (n = 21) were 62.86% and 64.29% respectfully, indicating no increase of knowledge gained from the standard unit education. The intervention led to an improvement in knowledge and thus delivery of care The project initiative promotes positive social change by providing evidence of the efficacy of integrating PUPET into practice bundles to improve the long range declination of pressure ulcers and cause a potential shift of current practices to be aligned with patient-centric models used within care bundles.