Predictors for Florida Nurse Practitioners' Characterization of Organizational Climate, Eric F. Haupt
Leader Strategies to Reduce Sales Personnel Attrition, Nicole Lea Hawkins
The Economic Impact of Deficient Anti-Money Laundering Program to a Multinational Bank, Emmanuel Hayble-Gomes
Marketing Strategies of Small Traditional Travel Agencies in a Technology-Driven World, Charice Hayes
The Relationship Between Health Risk and Workplace Productivity in Saudi Arabia, Sarah Lorraine Hayman
Delaying First Pregnancies: Canadian Women's Knowledge and Perception of the Consequences, Deborah Haynes
Relationship Between Autonomous Motivation and Ego-Depletion, Mark A. Heilman
Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies: The Measuring of Equine Temperament, Thecla M. Helmbrecht Howard
Maximizing Feedback for Self-Regulated Learning, Jodie Maria Hemerda
Teen Dating Violence: Co-Occurrence with Bullying among African American Teens in South Florida, Rosemarie Hemmings
The Effect of Higher Education Classroom Management Behavior Strategies on Learning, Kalebra Henderson Henderson
A Qualitative Exploration of the Use of Contraband Cell Phones in Secured Facilities, Margaret E. Henderson
Decoding Metacommunication Patterns From African American Single Mothers to Sons, Michael-Kamau Henderson
Facilitating the Acquisition of Social Skills Through Service Learning, Becky J. Hendrickson
The Use of Online Supplemental Materials in College Courses to Improve Retention, Amy Lynn Hennings
Sports Content Viewership Motivations Across Digital Devices, Mark Henry
An Evaluation of Mentoring, Self-Efficacy, and Teacher Retention in an Induction Program, Sherri Latonya Henry
Strategies to Improve Patient Satisfaction and Organizational performance in Health Care, Leanne Fay Heppell
Influences of Nutritional Food Label Understanding in African-American Women with Obesity, Cynthia Jean Hickman
Managing HIV/AIDS Outreach Strategies in the Black Church: A Case Study, Angela Gail Hicks-Bennett
Perceptions of Homeless Individuals Regarding Public Housing Use, Shirley Elaine Hicks
Small Aviation Business Success Strategies for Profitability, Christina Hiers
Strategies Independent Coffee Shop Owners Require to Survive Beyond Five Years, Bruce Higdon
A Phenomenological Study of Methadone Treatment by Opiate-Dependent Individuals Ages 50-55 Years, LaMart Hightower
Correlates of Influenza Vaccination Uptake Among Older Adults, Cheryl Hilliman