Beliefs Among Mothers of Adolescent Females on Cervical Cancer Vaccination, Aja Rochelle Gardner
Advanced Practitioner Provided Pre-Hospital Discharge Asthma Education, Lyndsay E. Gardner
Diabetes Management Regimens and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in African American Men, Joseph Garilus
Exploring Barriers to Implementing a School-Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support Program., Ronald L. Gay
Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance of Banks in the United States, Waidi Alani Gbadamosi
Association Between Diabetes/Chronic Disease Incidence and Lifestyle Factors Among African-Born Populations, James Walakerwon Gbala
An Evaluation of an American Sign Language Interpreting Internship Program, Colleen Avilla Geier
A Multiple Case Study of the Influence of Positive Organizational Behavior on Human Resources, Michelle Geiman
A Study of Collaborative Leadership in South Carolina Alcohol Enforcement Teams, Michael Dale George
Generic Drugs : Physician Prescribing Practices for Brand Name and Generic Medications, Tamuno Raymond George
Industry Best Practices Contributing to Small Business Success, Timothy John Giardino
Perceptions on Interventions Impacting the Self- Efficacy of At-Risk Students, Natalie Giddens Giddens
Hospital Profiling of the Cesarean Delivery Procedure for the State of Georgia, 2012, Denise Frances Giles
Case Study of Learning and Instruction for Members of an Online Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Support Group, Heather Rae Gilmore
Through Their Eyes: Young African American Men's Perceptions of Fatherhood, Irena J. Glover
An Ecological Perspective on Pertussis, Jody Ruth Goard
International Students Use of Technology for Improving Writing Skills in College, Margaret Godwin
A Resource-Based Perspective on Financial Resource Strategies for Small Business Sustainability, Margaret N. Godwin-Opara
Understanding Strategic Planning: Why Nonprofit Organizations Struggle in the Current Era of Privatization, Trunnis Goggins
Understanding a School's Response to Childhood Obesity, April Dawn Goins-Jones
Marketing Strategies for Increasing Latino Enrollment in Higher Education, Melissa Rocio Gomez de la Fuente
Teacher and Administrator Responses to Bullying Within a Professional Learning Community, Tracey Gomez
Factors related to prescription drug abuse among young adults in Florida, Mabel Gonzalez Gonzalez