Promoting Social Change by Increasing Oral Reading Fluency by Second Grade, Ella D. Davis
Decision Making of Environmental Engineers on Project Selection, Millicent Amanda Davis
General Education and Special Education Elementary School Teachers' Understanding of Professional Learning Communities, Kendra M. Day
Alignment of Standards, Assessment, and Compliance for a Residential Support Provider Organization, Monique Day
Developing a Culturally Sensitive Telephone Follow-up Program for African American Women With Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes, Veronica M. Deas
History of Pregnancy-Loss and Maternal Socioeconomic Factors as Predictors of Under-Five Child Mortality, Henry Chukwunonso Debem
The Lived Experiences of Immigrant Canadian Women with the Healthcare System, Salma Debs-Ivall
Development of a Policy and Procedure to Decrease Alarm Fatigue, Samantha Deck
Self-Efficacy and Self-Management Assessments on Hispanic Patients with Diabetes, Yesenia DeJesus
Effects of Acculturation Gap and Attachment Style on South Asian Adolescent Well-Being, Malliga Delaney Delaney
Effect of Culturally Based Arts Activities on Self-Efficacy, Self-Expression, and Achievement Motivation in Adolescent Inner-City Youth, Narjerah Lewis Delk
Gender Pay Disparity Among Women, Garnise Ann Dennis
The Relationship Between Juvenile Sex Offender Registration and Depression in Adulthood, Sharon E. Denniston
Evidence-Based Alternative Therapy to Reduce Anxiety in Ambulatory Mental Health Patients, Renee Ann Denobrega
Bedside Nurse Recognition of Delirium in the Medical-Surgical Setting, Bridget Ann Denzik
Evaluation of a Goal Setting Intervention with Grades 3-5 Military Dependent Students Targeting Math Proficiency, Whitney DeSantis
A Phenomenological Exploration of Children's Experiences during the Therapeutic Process, Katherine DeStefano
Exploring Managerial Solutions for Faculty Satisfaction at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Bridget Pinckney Dewees
Strategies to Reduce Supply Chain Disruptions in Ghana, Carl Kwaku Dey
Parental Perception of Limit Setting in Preschool Age Children With Special Needs, Enza Maria DiBenedetto
The Relationship Between Cultural Intelligence and Work Outcomes of Expatriates in China, Barbara Joanna Diemer
The Effect of Objectified Images in the Media on the Development of Body Dissatisfaction and Depressive Symptoms in Filipino American Women, Nicole J. Dionisio
The Implementation of Governance to Counter Islamist Militancy in Pakistan's Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province, David Robert DiOrio
Social Influence and Organizational Innovation Characteristics on Enterprise Social Computing Adoption, Vincent Di Palermo
Effect of Modeling Instruction on Concept Knowledge Among Ninth Grade Physics Students, Devin Alan Ditmore