History Teachers' Perspectives of Time Constraints, Engagement, and Relevance in the Curriculum, Christy Mimie Davis
Multicultural Psychosocial Education and the Malleability of the Epistemic Essentialist Entitativity Processes, Kathryn Marie Davis
An RN Sepsis Training Program That Supports Registered Nurses in the Emergency Room Setting, Daphne Marjorie Davis-Patrick
Relationship between Corporate Governance and Information Security Governance Effectiveness in United States Corporations, Robert Elliot Davis
Factors Influencing Student Achievement in Reading, Lakeshia Darby Dawkins
Diabetes Self-Management Problems of Older, Low-Income African American Women, Pearlean Day Day
The Relationship Between Childhood Maltreatment and Sexual Coercion Proclivity in Women, Christina Renee Dean
Soft Skills Needed for the 21st Century Workforce, Susan A. Dean
Saudi Women's Experiences of Control and Engagement as Employees in Private Universities, Kimberly Dawn Deatherage
Violence Against Nurses, Terri Lynne DeClerck
The Relationship Between Athletic Development Personality Factors and Decision Making, Herbert DeGraffe
Strategies for Reducing Voluntary Employee Turnover, Xiomara DeJesus
A Toolkit to Support Nurse-Patient Communication through Nurse-Expressed Empathy, Jessica Delano Holden
Leadership Strategies for Developing and Implementing Organizational Change, Hardy L. DeLay IV
Transitioning Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder from School to Society, Charla Brenta Spurlin DeLeo
Stress and Marital Satisfaction of Parents With Children With Fragile X Syndrome, Jacqueline Del Fierro Avila
Factors Contributing to Business Process Reengineering Implementation Success, Mary Elizabeth Dell'Aquila
Treating Adult Women With Depression Through Videoconferencing, Irina Demidova
Expatriate Students' Perceptions of Attendance and Persistence at a Private Malaysian Institution, Jin Deng
The Andacollo's Mining Community: Ethnographic Work-Based Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility Policies and Practices, Ubirata de Oliveira
Knowledge of Malaria Infection and Treatment-Seeking Behavior Among Tanzanian Pregnant Women, Emebet T. Derjew
Relationship Between Mental Health Facilities' Pre-Intake Practices and Children's First Appointment Attendance Rates, Christine Marie De Santis-Collis
Planning Strategies for Generational Succession in Flemish Third-Generation Family-Owned Businesses, Anne-Marie Esther De Scheemaecker
The Challenges of Implementing Bring Your Own Device, Leslie DeShield
Single African American Mothers' Work Schedules and Decisions to Feed Their Children, Maryse Desir