Needs Assessment for a Lifestyle Intervention Weight Loss Program for Hospital Employees, Karen Baumann
African American Women in America: Underrepresentation, Intersectionality, and Leadership Development Experiences, Sondra Jean Beall-Davis
Primary Grade Teachers' Perceptions of Parental Involvement in School Activities, Darlisha Beard
Strategies to Improve Productivity of a Multigenerational Workforce, Grace Elizabeth Beasley
Effective Strategies Employed by Retail Store Leaders to Reduce Employee Turnover, Alexandro Beato
Teachers' Narratives on Turnover in Focus County Schools, Deonne Beckwith
Effective Competitive Strategies of U.S. In Vitro Device Manufacturers, Sofia M. Beglari
New or Novice Teacher Integration of Mobile Learning Instruction, Carolyn Anne Beisel
College Faculty Members' Perceptions of Students' Writing Abilities, Deborah Bellamy
The Educational Aspirations of Barbadian Adolescent Mothers and Their Perceptions of Support, Kathy-Ann Bellamy
Strategies to Reduce Stress in the Insurance Industry, Rhonda Gene Bell
Management Strategies and Intervention Program Readiness for Paroled Offenders and Ex-offenders, Sylvia Jean Bell
Emergency Medical Service Career Longevity: Impact of Alignment Between Preemployment Expectations and Postemployment Perceptions, Michael Joseph Belotto
Strategies to Improve Engagement Among Public Sector Information Technology Employees, Michelle Dawn Benham
The Effects of Policy Gaps on Governance in Ghana, Jojo Benin
Human Resource Local Content in Ghana's Upstream Petroleum Industry, Papa Benin
Accountants and Accounting Educators' Perceptions of Accounting Certifications/Accreditations and Communication Divides, Brigitte A. Bennerson
Facebook and Teenagers: Investigating Changes of Perceived Peer Pressures for Romantic Relationship Involvement Based on Facebook Attachment, Courtney Lynn Weiss Bennett
Senior Students' Experiences, Perspectives, and Attitudes of Technological Competencies in Nursing Education, Patricia C. Bennett
Marketing Strategies: How Small Restaurant Businesses use Social Media, Tasheenia Bennett
A Quantitative Study Examining How Training Enhances Policy Compliance, Therese C. Bensch
Improving Employee Engagement through Strategic Planning by Human Resources Professionals, Victoria L. Benson
Performance Improvement Data and Staff Responsibility, Tabitha Anne Bentley
The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Advanced STEM Coursework in Female Secondary Students, Bethany Marie Bernasconi
Pre-College Program Students' Academic Engagement and Persistence in Higher Education Studies, Deborah Ann bers