Adults Aged 65+ and the Societal Pressure to Exercise, Susan Murphy
Small Business Profitability Strategies in the Music Recording Industry, Jeanelle Lemol Murray-Noel
Social Capital and Academic Achievement of African American Male High School Students, Sabreen Ayesha Mutawally
The Perinatal Experience of Kenyan Immigrant Women, Winny Mwaura
Cash-Flow Management Strategies in Small and Medium-Sized Occupational Health Enterprises, Sibongiseni Selby Myeni
Small and Medium-Size Enterprise Owner Strategies for Invoice Factoring Financing, Winniefred Nabawanda
Marketing Strategies During the Product Life Cycle in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Natasa Naneva
Association of Insider Trading Patterns with Earnings Management Citations from 2002-2012, Anne-Mary Emuobonuvie Nash-Haruna
Strategies to Decrease Business Failure in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Pantiva Navamarat
Priests' Perceptions of the Leadership Styles of U.S. Catholic Bishops, Aloysius Okey Ndeanaefo
Strategies for Success and Sustainability in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Beyond the First 5 years, Atem Emmanuel Ndeisieh
Perceptions of People's Experiences Regarding Gun Violence, Charles M. Ndikum
Relationship Between Servant Leadership Characteristics and Turnover in Fast-Casual Restaurants, Maria Rosetta Needham
Behavioral Outcomes of the BOSS Teaching Program With Adults With Intellectual Disabilities, Mick Needham
Hardiness, Adult Attachment Style, and Burnout in Nurses, Kristy A. Negri
Stressors and Time-to-Degree for Online Social Sciences Doctoral Programs, Brandy R. Nelson
Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners in Mississippi Through Professional Development, Delore Nelson
Perceptions About Hands-On Art Making by Non-Art Major Online Students, Gayle Nelson
Female Caribbean Immigrants' Perceptions of the Influence of Immigration on Obesity, KerryAnn Nelson
Determinants of Low Birth Weight in a Population-Based Sample of Zimbabwe, Paul Nesara
Barriers to Effective Curriculum Implementation, Erica Nevenglosky
Examining Attrition Among Bahamian Special Education Teachers and Implications for Special Education Reform, Norrisa Newton
Strategies for Reducing Short-Tenured Employee Attrition in the Retail Grocery Industry, Ogechi Ngemegwai
Strategies for Applying Electronic Health Records to Achieve Cost Saving Benefits, Daniel Kanyi Ngunyu
Custodial Parental Perceptions and Experiences of Noncustodial Parents and Child Support, Breanne Marie Nguyen