Exploring Disaster Preparedness for the Aging Population, GladysMarie W.R. Harris
Parental Choice and Perceived Benefits of Reggio Emilia Inspired Programs, Heidi Harris
The Role of Parents in Literacy Development During Kindergarten, Jason Eugene Harris
Perceptions of Teachers about Using and Analyzing Data to Inform Instruction, Lateasha Monique Harris
Preparing Novice Nurses for Early Recognition Acute Deterioration, Norma Patricia Harris
The Experiences of Sailors with Antiterrorism Force Protection Training at Off-Installation Sites, Jessica Harrison
Knowledge and Attitudes of Emergency Room Nurses Regarding Palliative Care Patients, Pearl Alethea Harrison
Leisure Time Physical Activities of Older Adults in Senior Housing, Tamiera S. Harris
Rural Science Teachers' Intentions of Integrating STEM Career-Related Lessons, Shuniqua Michelle Hart
Development of a Scholarly Educational Intervention to Improve Inpatient Diabetes Care, Sharon.hasfal Hasfal
Influence of Privatization Policies on Residential Satisfaction in Military Family Housing, Kirsten R. Hawley
Staff Educational Program to Prevent Medication Errors, Rita Chinyere Hawthorne-Kanife
The Impact of Caseworkers' Educational Background and Placement Outcomes for Foster Children, Katrina Haynes
Stakeholders' Perceptions of Single-Gender Grouping Instruction and Student Motivation in Middle School, Chundra Deondrea Haywood-Grisby
American National Security Strategy as it Pertains to the Afghanistan War, Robert Hayworth
Understanding Teachers' Perceptions of Bullying for Developing Teacher Detection and Intervention, Christopher Samuel Hazeltine
Association Between Genetic Ancestry and Body Mass Index Among a Cohort of Hispanic American Children, Sahel Hazrati
Instrumental Music and Reading Achievement of First Graders, Loralie Heagy
The Relationship Between Formal Evaluations and Online Adjunct Faculty Teaching Practices, Euwanna Antoinette Heard
Validating a Home Health Care Staff Educational Module for Wound Treatment and Documentation, Kimberly Sanders Hebert
Bleach-It-Away Clostridium difficile, Kim Ione Hecker
Immunoglobulin Therapy and Primary Immunodeficient Patients' Health-Related Quality of Life and Well-Being, Niedre Heckman
Empowering Teachers Through Empathy to Decrease Special Education Referral Rates, Amy Heger
The Relationship between Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists' Emotional Intelligence and Burnout, Dianna Marie Heikkila
Teacher Descriptions of Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Bully-Victim Behavior Among Middle School Male Students, Randy Heller