Predicting Educational Attainment Based on Forensic Psychiatric Patients' Age at First Hospitalization, Malinda Marie Lawson
Relationship Between Hospital Size, Staff Communication, Physician Communication, and Patient Experience Scores, Cheryl Marie Layton
Collaboration and Collective Inquiry Goals in an Elementary School Professional Learning Community, Susan Lazor
The Relationship Between Race-Related Stress and Coping Strategies of African American Men, Rynata Trevyce Leach
Nurses' Lived Experiences of Oppression and Power Dynamics in the Hospital Setting, Khadijatu A. Leary
School Personnel Perspectives on Supporting Teachers of Students with Social-Emotional and Academic Needs, Ana Elisa Lee
Internal Control Strategies for Compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Grant J. Lee
Strategies for Increasing Healthcare Employees' Retention, LaKeisha Lee
Jail Administrators' Compliance With the Prison Rape Elimination Act, Leone M. Lee
Experiences of Ex-Offenders Assigned to a Work Release Program, Julia Marie Cottrell LeFevre
Correlational Analysis of the Relationship Among Mastery Experience, Self-Efficacy, and Project Success, Olakunle Taofeek Lemboye
Investigating Employer Support as a Predictor of Online Master's Student Retention, James Lenio
Drones and American Domestic Policy: An Analysis of Elite and Mass Opinion, Kevin Michael Leonard
Drones and American Domestic Policy: An Analysis of Elite and Mass Opinion, Kevin Michael Leonard
Determinants of Compassion Fatigue in Acute Care Nursing, Sherry Levering
Association of Adaptive Early Phase Study Design and Late Phase Study Results in Oncology, Donna Elise Levy
Employer Perceptions When Applying Criminal History Information to the Hiring Process, Karen S. Levy McCanna
Racial Identity, Skin Tone, and Intragroup Racism among African American Males, Carlton Deshawn Lewis
The Meaning of Instagram use for Rheumatoid Arthritis Information, Deborah Lewis
Development of a Bundle for Hemodialysis Infection Control, Lora Susan Lewis
Faith-Based Support for Alzheimer's Family Caregivers in Madison County, Alabama, Meredith Lewis
Obesity Epidemic in the Military: Implications for Veterans, Tracy Lewis
Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover to Increase Profitability in a College Workplace, Cremaya Pariscene Lewis-Wilson
An Examination of Abstraction in K-12 Computer Science Education, Christine Lynn Liebe
User-Centered Design Strategies for Clinical Brain-Computer Interface Assistive Technology Devices, Geraldine Light