Staff and Family Perspectives Regarding Person Centered Care for Adults With Intellectual Disability, Tasrina Khan
The Effects of Breastfeeding Support on Women Enrolled for WIC Benefits, Judith Marie Khanuja
Reducing Reliance on Government Funding in the Nonprofit Sector, Bryan K. Kieler
Male Perspectives of Lateral Violence in Nursing, Benita Kinard
Strategies to Identify and Reduce Workplace Bullying to Increase Productivity, Dr. Marvalene King
Dissertation Mentor Communication Style and Behavior as Predictors of Student Stress and Satisfaction, Julienne Inez King
Geospatial Analysis of Care and Mortality in the 2014 Liberia Ebola Outbreak, Marion Carlton Kinkade
Use of Force and Perceptions of Public Attitude Held by Police Trainers, Kenneth Lee Kinsey
The Lived Experiences of Those bereaved By Suicide, Vincent Kinsey
Strategic Intelligence Strategies for Improving Performance in the Nonprofit Sector, Iglika Kirilov
Barriers to implementing urban plans in Kenya, Rose Chelangat Kitur
Teacher Beliefs about Providing Instruction for Gifted Students in Inclusive Mathematics Classrooms, Carrie Lynn Kizuka
Nurse Faculty Perceptions of Role Stress and Faculty-to-Faculty Incivility, Anne Kraft Kleinhesselink
Tutoring Time in TRIO Student Support Services and Remedial Course Success, Jeannie Riddle Knecht
Cultivating Cultural Competence to Address Childhood Obesity in Ethnic Minority Youth, Tia Knight-Forbes
Accelerated Online and Hybrid RN-to-BSN Programs: A Predictive Retention Algorithm, Melissa Knight
Organizational Strategies to Grow Mature Small Information Technology Businesses, Timothy L. Knox
Socioeconomic Determinants of Physical Activity among Adult Arab Immigrants in Edmonton, Alberta, Samer Kobrosly
Teacher Efficacy and Achievement of Students With Disabilities: A Mixed-Methods Study, Bailey J. Koch
Acuity-based Nurse Staffing and the Impact on Patient Outcomes, Sara Kollman
Effects of Teach-Back on Children’s Treatment in Parents with Low Health Literacy, Marion Ines Kopulos
Emergency Preparedness Experiences by Emergency Managers in Rural Hospitals of the Pacific Northwest, Gabriella Korosi
Using a Pediatric Early Warning Score Algorithm for Activating a Rapid Response Team, Ruthann Kosick
Cultural-Centric Globalization Strategies for Increasing Companies’ Profitability, YAO KOSSI
Small Business Merger and Acquisition Strategies for Raising Capital in Emerging Economies, Bennet Kpentey