Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2023


Goal Statement: The goal of this portfolio aims to prevent adult obesity through the immersion of counseling educational groups targeting adolescents within the communities of Kitsap County.

Significant Findings: Kitsap County, Washington, has an adult population of 214,142 people (United States Department of Commerce, 2022). Approximately 30% are obese, which is 2% higher than Washington state (CDC, n.d.-b). Obesity increases the risk factor for severe diseases, including depression, and is a major risk factor for premature death (Bergantin, 2020). Mitigating risk factors through bolstering protective factors is essential for obesity prevention at multiple levels of the Social-Ecological Model. Social Cognitive Theory and Communication Theory have shown efficacy in addressing obesity. Cultural sensitivity is vital to reach all populations of Kitsap County. Finally, addressing barriers at multiple levels through advocacy is necessary for obesity prevention in Kitsap County.

Objectives/Strategies/Interventions/Next Steps:

1. Collaborate with stakeholders and counselors to conduct research to tailor the program in a culturally sensitive way to thoroughly address the target group’s needs for obesity prevention.

2. Collaborate with local schools, counselors, and stakeholders to immerse the counseling education groups in Kitsap County or local communities.

  1. Create an encouraging environment through a supportive media campaign, including school banners, newspaper articles, health fairs, and media bulletins.
  2. Create a community advocacy committee to execute advocacy action steps to remove the socioeconomic barriers identified by this portfolio.
  3. Create a community preventative services task force with Kitsap Mental Health Services or local mental health services to track results, gather feedback, and implement necessary change tactics to keep the obesity prevention program on target. Please reference the evidence-based program COPE identified in part three of this portfolio (National Institute of Health, 2023). ­­­­­­­­­
