Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2023


Goal Statement: My goal for social change within the community is to prevent severe housing problems by educating individuals and families of low and middle-income levels on available home environment assessments and housing rehabilitation programs.

Significant Findings: Severe housing problems plague numerous mid and low-income households in Santa Clara County, leaving them vulnerable to significant physical and mental health problems. This social change portfolio discusses the scope and consequences of severe housing problems as well as potential risk and protective factors at the individual, relationship, community, and societal levels through a socio-ecological lens. In addition, this portfolio addresses two theories of prevention, Social Cognitive Theory and the Health Belief Model, as well as diversity and ethical issues, specifically how severe housing problems affect the subgroup of the Latino/Hispanic population. Furthermore, advocacy efforts at the institutional, community, and public arena levels regarding severe housing problems in Santa Clara County are also discussed.

Objectives/Strategies/Interventions/Next Steps:

1. Initiate Sirolli’s (2012) Shut Up and Listen method by talking to the Latino/Hispanic populations within their communities and neighborhoods and listening to what they say they need.

2. Evaluate and address social norms influencing the Latino/Hispanic communities through qualitative and quantitative research methods.

3. Partner with local community outreach organizations to educate mid and low-income households on how, who, and where to contact regarding help with severe housing problems.

4. Collaborate with other counselors, social workers, legal professionals, and media outlets to initiate a public information campaign in an effort to increase awareness of severe housing problems in Santa Clara County.

5. Lobby California government officials to implement scientifically supported home environment assessment programs that have successfully reduced severe housing problems in other states.
