Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Forced Truancy and Its Impact on Youth Delinquency in Southeastern Nigeria, Bouyant Eleazer Enyiorji
A Rapid Assessment of Post-Disclosure Experiences of Urban HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative School-Aged Children in Kenya, Grace Gachanja
Examining the Impact of Accreditation on a Primary Healthcare Organization in Qatar, Alia Ghareeb
Public Corruption in Liberian Government, Stephen H. Gobewole
Small and Medium Enterprises' Profitability Elements in Green Energy Transactions, Humphrey Edereka Great
Race/Ethnicity, Diet, and Physical Activity Behavior Among College Students, Ronda Herbert
The Role of Social Media Technology Tools in Higher Education Instruction, Marlene Natalie Holder-Ellis
The Influence of Power Distance on CSR Programs in Hainan China, Carol Ann Hoshiko
Experiences and Perceptions of Liberian Business Leaders' Transformational Leadership Skills, Kingsley Lington Ighobor
Government Senior Executives' Perceptions of Brain Drain on Leadership in the United States Virgin Islands, Shurla Jeffers-Knight
Vocabulary Strategies in an Elementary Classroom in a Third World Country, Laurie Johnson
Predictors of Full Childhood Immunization Status in Owerri, Nigeria, Osuala Uzor Kelvin
Impact of Servant Leadership on Pastoral Alliances in Northern Ghana, Severo Kuupuo
Developing Global Citizens: Perceptions Regarding Educational Leadership in an International Expatriate School, Alicia Hunter Lewis
Second Chance for School Dropouts in Kenya through Adult Education, Lombo Lombo
Promoter Ownership and Working Capital Management Efficiency of Indian Manufacturing Firms, Neil Mathur, John D. Obradovich, Harvinder S. Mand, and Amarjit Gill
Retention Rates of Puerto Rican Women in Treatment for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues, Eva Millan
Health Literacy and Health Decision Making Attitudes in People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Christine Miranda
Academic Coaching, Student Engagement, and Instructor Best Practices, Jainie Denisse Miranda Martinez
Black Caribbean American Parents' Home-Based Literacy Activities for K-2 Religious School Students, Maureen Hyacinth Moncrieffe
Impact of Goodwill Organizations and Community Collaboration on AIDS-Orphans' Needs in Nyanza Province, Kenya, Anthonia Nwagbo
Payroll Fraud: Effects of Ghost Names on the Government Wage Bill in Ghana, Gilbert Nyaledzigbor
Predictors of Obesity Among Nigerian Immigrants in the United States, Olawunmi Obisesan
Factors Affecting Ethical Sources of External Debt Financing for Indian Agribusiness Firms, John D. Obradovich, Amarjit Gill, Harvinder S. Mand, and Neil Mathur
Social Determinants of Health Inequality and Life Expectancy Among Women of Edo State, Nigeria, Daniel Aromeh Odekina
Modeling Risk Management in Banks: Examining Why Banks Fail, Daniel O. Okehi
Perspectives on HIV/AIDS: American-Based Nigerian Women Who Experienced Polygamy in Rural Nigeria, Christianah Oluseyi Olorunfemi
The Impact of Leadership on the Governance of Infrastructure Development in Nigeria, Michael Oziegbe Onolememen
Beyond Elections: Ghana's Democracy from the Perspective of the Citizenry, Ransford Osafo-Danso
Genome-Wide Association Study on the Sleep Symptom of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Tammy Pooler
European Airport Concessions: Retail Strategies to Improve Commercial Revenue from Leisure Travelers, René W. B. Puls
Academic Achievement of ESL Learners at a Teaching Hospital Training Programs, Abdul Fattah Rachdan
Climate Change Implications for Health-Care Waste Incineration Trends during Emergency Situations, Emilia Mmbando Raila
Women's Experiences With the Follow-Up System for Cervical Cancer in a Developing Country, Christine Carol Richards
Understanding Distinctive Beliefs and Perceptions about Depression among Haitian Men, Darlyne Richardson
Resilience Among Immigrant Adult Learners: Experiences in Postsecondary Education--A Mixed-Methods Study, Sandra Lee Samuels
Social Disorder and Level of Engagement of Small Business Owners in the Virgin Islands, Saul Santiago
South-Asian American and Asian-Indian Americans Parents: Children's Education and Parental Participation, Sahil Ashwin Shah
Success Factors for Women of Color Information Technology Leaders in Corporate America, Annette Skervin
Perceptions of Home and Small Business Owners on Insurance in Accra, Ghana, Helen Stevens-Benefo
Diversity Visa Lottery: Threats to U.S. National Security, John Suvor
Enhancing Workplace Productivity and Competitiveness in Trinidad and Tobago Through ICT Adoption, Kennedy Jerome Swaratsingh
Prostate Cancer and Afro-Caribbean Men: Experiences, Perceptions, and Beliefs, Harold E. Taitt Jr.
Financial Statement Disclosure of Carbon Footprint Costs in the Airline Industry, Carol Anne Tuck-Riggs
Female Genital Mutilation/Circumcision: Culture and Sexual Health in Igbo Women in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, Dorothy Ebere Ukoha
Effect of Social Support and HIV-Related Stigma on Depression in HIV/AIDS Patients, Chinedu Anthony Umeadi
HIV Stigma Within Religious Communities in Rural India, Krutarth J. Vyas
Fear of Fatherhood, Deborah Weatherspoon, Wendy Sponsler, Christopher Weatherspoon, and Dorothy Campbell
The United Nations Training of the Liberia National Police: Effectiveness, Results, and Future Implications, Yarsuo Laezee Weh-Dorliae
The Influence of School Leadership Practices on Classroom Management, School Environment, and Academic Underperformance, Lorna Novlette Wilson Morgan
Improving Educational Technology Integration in the Classroom, Nicole Elizabeth Yemothy
Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Quality Financial Reporting at the Districts in Ghana, Abdul-Malik Seidu Zakaria
Road Management System and Road Safety in Uganda, Paul Gudoi Zanule
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Nigerian Banking Sector, Cecily Joy Adeleke
Business Drivers for Environmental Regulations Compliance in Ghana's Mining Sector, Georgina Angorkor Ahorbo
Culture and Nongovernmental Organizations Performance, Ondo State, Nigeria, Oluwatoyin Akinkuotu
Perceptions of Women in Political Leadership Positions in Nigeria, Annette Anigwe
Sustainability Efforts of One Oil Company in Niger Delta of Nigeria, Charles Afam Anosike
Motivational Issues of Faculty in Saudi Arabia, Peter J. Anthony and Akram Abdul Cader
Experiences and Perceptions of Pregnant Unmarried Adolescents in Nigeria, Priscilla Ndidi Asonye
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market Returns in Ghana (2000-2013), Charles Barnor
Impact of Technology Interventions on Student Achievement in Rural Nigerian Schools, Aderonke Abosede Bello
Haitian Nursing Education: Elearning Experiences, Tim Bristol
Emerging Diabetes Pandemic in India: A Case Study for an Integrative Approach, Chhaya Sanjeev Chaudhry
Spirituality and Hope as Influences on Family Cohesion Among African American Men, Jennifer Joan DeSouza
La Contribución Estadística del Autoritarismo, la Dominancia Social, la Empatía y el Materialismo a la Varianza del Prejuicio Intergrupal en Puerto Rico, Carlos Diaz-Lazaro and José Toro-Alfonso
Factors That Influence a Jewelry Brand's Globalization Process, Mohammed Ahmed Faitaihi
Stakeholders' Roles in Prioritizing Technical Vocational Education and Training in Postconflict Liberia, Edward S. Forh
HIV-Positive Parents’ Accounts on Disclosure Preparation Activities in Kenya, Grace Gachanja, Gary Burkholder, and Aimee Ferraro
HIV-Positive Parents, HIV-Positive Children, and HIV-Negative Children’s Perspectives on Disclosure of a Parent’s and Child’s Illness in Kenya, Grace Gachanja, Gary J. Burkholder Jr, and Aimee Ferraro
Parents' and children's emotions spanning the HIV disclosure process in Kenya, Grace Gachanja, Gary J. Burkholder Jr, and Aimee Ferraro
Earnings Management, Firm Performance, and the Value of Indian Manufacturing Firms, Amarjit Gill, Nahum Biger, Harvinder S. Mand, and Neil Mathur
An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Capital Flows and the Real Exchange Rate in India, Shashank Goel
What Corporations Do with Foresight, Mohamad S. Hammoud and D.P. Nash
The Impact of Accreditation on Quality of Care: Perception of Nurses in Saudi Arabia, Hanadi Mohamad Jaber
Relationship Between Demographics and Breastfeeding Behavior Among HIV Positive Women in Kenya, Eunice Kimunai, Salome Kapella-Mshigeni, Peter B. Anderson, and Angela W. Prehn
The Impact of Operational Efficiency on the Future Performance of Indian Manufacturing Firms, Neil Mathur, Harvinder S. Mand, Manjeet Singh, and Amarjit Gill
Contexts of HIV-Related Risk Behaviors among Male Customers at Asian Massage Parlors in San Francisco, Tooru Nemoto, Mariko Iwamoto, Elnaz Eilkhani, Maria Sakata, Mai NhungNhung Le, and Anne Morris
Cybersecurity Strategy in Developing Nations: A Jamaica Case Study, Kevin Patrick Newmeyer
Cybersecurity Strategy in Developing Nations: A Jamaica Case Study, Kevin Patrick Newmeyer
The Sociocultural Basis of Epidemiology of Hypertension Among Residents of Ogun State, Vernon E. Norman
Modelling Risk Management in Banks: Examining Why Banks Fail?, Daniel Onyebuchi Okehi
Resource Control or Terrorism: Competing Perspectives on the Conflict in the Niger Delta Region, Nigeria., Peter Ogoegbunem Opone
School Leaders' Perceptions of Caribbean Students' English Language Needs, Erica Pike
Critical Issues in Homeland Security: A Casebook, James D. Ramsay and Linda Kiltz
Understanding Distinctive Beliefs and Perceptions about Depression among Haitian Men, Darlyne Richardson
Factors Associated with Chlamydia trachomatis Reinfection Among Puerto Rican Adolescents 2008-2012, Flavia Rosado
Prevalence of Neonatal Tetanus in Northeastern Nigeria, Jalal-Eddeen Abubakar Saleh
Food Safety Knowledge and Self-Reported Practices of Food Handlers in Jamaica, Marcia Annmarie Thelwell-Reid
Urhobo Culture and the Amnesty Program in Niger Delta, Nigeria: An Ethnographic Case Study, John Oghenero Tobor
Cessation of Intravaginal Practices to Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis: A Pilot Intervention in Zimbabwean Women, Abigail Norris Turner, Tsungai Chipato, Janneke van de Wijgert, Shelley Francis, Marshall Munjoma, Precious Moyo, and Allahna Esber
Books from 2013
Dr. William Gorgas and his Management Style in the Eradication of Yellow Fever during the Panama Canal Construction: A Historical Case Study, Faisal H. Aboul-Enein
HIV-positive parents disclosure-related preparation activities in Kenya, Grace Gachanja, Gary J. Burkholder Jr, and Aimee Ferraro
Increasing Access to Effective Education Across Oceania, Robert Hogan and Natalie Nimmer
Barriers to Successful Entrepreneurship for Women in Ukraine, John Johnson
Emerging bilingualism in Kindergarten: Implications for educational policies and practices in Qatar, Karen Kelly, Radhika Viruru, Fatima Al Maadadi, and John R. Schorger
The Role of Leadership in ICT Integration and its Impact on the Economy in Haiti, Carmel Louis-Jacques
Effects of a Nutritional Intervention with the Japanese Vegetarian Food Guide on the Nutritional Characteristics of Japanese Vegetarian, Keiko Nakamoto, Sanae Watanabe, Hideki Kudo, Somboon Noparatanawong, Seika Kamohara, Timothy Radak, Mitsuru Tsuchida, Kyoichi Miyazaki, Dileep S. Sachan, and Akira Tanaka
Can Partial Offshoring Contribute Growth of Multinational Electronic Manufacturing Service Companies in the United States?, Harjit S. Naru and Tim Truitt
Educational Technology Acceptance across National and Professional Cultures: A European Study, Nicolae Nistor, Aytaç Göğüş, and Thomas Lerche