Retail Inventory Control Strategies, Mackie Johnson
Developing Policies and Guidelines to Prevent Medication Errors and ADEs in Nursing Homes, Marion Johnson
Evaluating Key Predictors of Employee Response to Change in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Otis S. Johnson
Organizational Characteristics Influencing Workplace Bullying, Sinsey Elaine Johnson
The Effectiveness of an Organizational Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcer Prevention Workshop on Pressure Ulcer Prevalence Rates, Stacey Johnson
Career Mobility Patterns of Aspiring Female Leaders at California Community Colleges, Tracy Lynn Johnson
Strategies That Make Entrepreneurs Sucessful On A Second Business Launch, Willie Joseph Johnson
Crafting a System of Profound Knowledge Management in Long-Term Care, Charlotte Johnston
Perioperative Orientation, Education, and Mentoring (POEM) Program, Esther M. Johnstone
Assessing Knowledge of Evidence-BasedPractice among Nurses, Suja Merin John
Community-Based Tourism: An Exploratory Study of Barbados, Bertram O'Brian Jones
Clinicians' Perceptions of North Carolina's 10-Year Primary Prevention Plan, Carol L. Jones
Perceptions of Employed People with Narcolepsy, Chantelle L. Jones
Business Strategies for ASEAN's Single Window in Southeast Asia, Craig Allen McGee Jones
The Challenges of Cultural Business Relationships Within Manufacturing, DeLariah Katherlene Jones
Socioeconomic Status Mobility and Lifetime Exposure to Discrimination on Cardiovascular Disease Events, Nkenge H. Jones-Jack
Generational Differences among Social Security Administration Employees and Their Perception of Value, Joyce Moses Jones
A Study of Satisfaction With Online Learning in Workplace Training, M. Anita Jones
Hospital Preparedness: Effects of Designated Preparedness Coordinators on Hospital Preparedness for Special Hazard Classes, Rodney Sinelair Jones
Development of a Mentorship Program to Help Support and Retain New Nurses, Sherrie Marie Jones
Nurses' Occupational Trauma Exposure, Resilience, and Coping Education, Sherry Lynn Jones
Teachers Perceptions of Barriers to Universal Design for Learning, Mary Elizabeth Jordan Anstead
A Purposeful Approach to Student Conduct with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners, Heidi Lynn Jordan
Communicating Periodontal Disease Risk to American Indian Patients With Diabetes, Jennifer Jordan
Precursors of Terrorism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Israel Kabashiki