Multifamily Subsidized Housing Seniors' Awareness of Aging and Disability Resource Center Services, Katrina Polk
Paths to Tier 1 Genomics Implementation: A Survey of Chronic Disease Directors, Amy Ponte
Exploring the Employability of African-American Male Ex-Offenders in Local Government, Chandra LaTrelle Porter
Media Coverage of Domestic Extremists and the Influence on Police Emotions, Jamie Porter
Health Literacy of Nursing Students and Their Awareness of Patient Literacy Needs, Jennifer Potter
Contact Center Employee Characteristics Associated with Customer Satisfaction, Lara Pow
The Effectiveness of Individualized and Rehabilitative Therapies for Children in Foster Care, Alma Pozo-Breen
Examining the Relationship Between Math Achievement and Self-Efficacy in Developmental Math Students, Ellen Prescott
The Attitudes, Beliefs, and Perceptions of Classroom Teachers and School Administrators Regarding Corporal Punishment in Rural Texas Schools, Anthony D. Price
Strategies for Mitigating Low-Cost Airlines' Passenger Complaints, Michael Jay Price
The Impact of Racial Stereotyping on Juror Perception of Criminal Offenders, Tameka T. Price
Examining Nurse Satisfaction with a Bedside Handover Report Process, Imelda C. Principe
Perceptions of Women Receiving Services from Domestic Violence Advocacy and Counseling Programs, Lisa Yvette Proby
Strategies to Improve Job Satisfaction and Reduce Voluntary Employee Turnover of Nurses, Stewart Proctor
Predicting Bank Failure Using Regulatory Accounting Data, Helen Pruitt
How High School Teachers Perceive the Quality of Professional Development, Leslie Puente-Ervin
Associate Degree Nursing Graduates Perceptions of NCLEX Performance, Judy Pulito
The Effects of Process Management on Stakeholder Performance: A Meta-Analysis, Donna Pulliam-Brown
Product Diversification to Improve Investment Returns for High-Net-Worth-Individuals in Ghana, Suzy Aku Akpene Puplampu
Discrimination, Coming-Out, and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Depression and Anxiety in the Lesbian Community, Adrien Purvis
Differentiation of Self as a Predictor of Vicarious Trauma in Mental Health Professionals, Denise Purvis
Inclusion Teachers' Attitudes and Practices Regarding Literacy Strategies, Lisa Christine Putt
Impacts of Observing Live Open Heart Surgery on Young Adults' Health Behaviors, Muhammad Musa Qarizadah
Perceptions of Administrators, Teachers, and Coaches on Instructional Coaching: Implications for Instructional Practices, Tosha Latrece Quattlebaum
Influence of Dual Process Decision-Making Theory in Patients Diagnosed With Cancer, Bonnie D. Quinonez