The Correlation Between Manager Work-life Balance and Employee Engagement, Euart Keith Murvin
Effect of Access to Health Services on Neonatal Mortality in Uganda, Imelda Atai Madgalene Musana
Strategies to Reduce High Employee Turnover in Retail Grocery Store, Olasunkanmi Sola Mustapha
Adhesive Transparent Chlorohexidine Gluconate Tegaderm™ Gel Dressing for Central Venous Catheter, Peter Kimiti Mwangi
Self-Care Practices and Therapist Beliefs Among Home-Based Mental Health Professionals in Relation to Burnout, Heidi C. Myers
Factors That Predict the Adoption of Online Shopping in Saudi Arabia, Momen Nachar
Socioeconomic Status, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Economic Cost of Childhood Diarrheal Diseases in Uganda, Sarah Birungi Nahalamba
Health Disparities in Females With Rheumatic Heart Disease in Central Afghanistan, Ruhina Najem
Relationship Between Time Estimation, Cost Estimation, and Project Performance, Eyas Nakhleh
Relationship Between Time Estimation, Cost Estimation, and Project Performance, Eyas Nakhleh
Perceptions About the Asylum-Seeking Process in the United States After 9/11, Keith Nalumango
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, Physical Activity, and Colorectal Cancer Among African Americans, Stella Francoise Nanga Ndzana
Relationship Between Novice Counselors' Supervisory Attachments and Boundary Practices and Perceptions, Glenda Hill Nanna
Relationship Between Novice Counselors' Supervisory Attachments and Boundary Practices and Perceptions, Glenda Hill Nanna
Relationship Between Novice Counselors' Supervisory Attachments and Boundary Practices and Perceptions, Glenda Hill Nanna
Issues that Prevent Students of Color from Majoring in Teacher Education, Elizabeth Joann Napier
Evaluation of Shared Governance Implementation at a Community Hospital, Teresa Nardontonia
Factors Leading to Successful Asian American Women Leaders, Vishakha S. Naresh
Causes and Prevention of Electric Power Industry Accidents: A Delphi Study, Ganesh Narine
Cloud Computing Adoption in Afghanistan: A Quantitative Study Based on the Technology Acceptance Model, George T. Nassif
Effectiveness of the Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction of the Tulalip Tribe, Marie Frances Natrall
Strategies for Ensuring the Timeliness of Small Business Financial Reporting in Nigeria, Nanzing Nangil Nden
Community Engagement and Diverse Representation in Planning for an Immigrant Neighborhood in a U. S. Pacific Northwest City, Christopher Amba Ndifon
Hydraulic Fracturing and Cause-Specific Mortality: A Multicity Comparative Epidemiological Study, Uzoma C. Nduka
Guideline Development for an Adjunct Faculty Orientation in Prelicensure Nursing Programs, Pamela Ann Nehring