Central California's Juvenile/Dependency and Criminal Courts' Treatment of Parent-Child Contact, Cheryl Oslinker Spano
Healthcare Organization Change Management Strategies to Guide Information Technology With for Information Technology Change Initiatives, Sharita Dianthe Speed-Crittle
Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Developmental Math Program Redesign at a Community College, Elaine Sabrina Spellman
Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Developmental Math Program Redesign at a Community College, Elaine Sabrina Spellman
Youth Coaches' Perception of their Role in a Young Athletes' Continued Participation, Ronald Roy Spencer
Social Work Crisis Interventions With Traumatic Death Survivors in Medical Settings, Sabrina R. Spencer
Tobacco Treatment Education Module for Nurses Working in the Inpatient Psychiatric Setting, Marchell Rene Spielmann
Understanding Self-Care Techniques Among Currently Practicing Behavior Analysts, Shane T. Spiker
Exploring How EMDR Social Workers in Eastern Canada Experience Vicarious Trauma, Ashley Amara Spinney
Best practice suicide screening/assessment tools for the emergency department, Katheryn M. Spirito
Physician Collaboration and Improving Health Care Team Patient Safety Culture: A Quantitative Approach, Jay J. Spitulnik
Comparison of Army Veterans' and Nonveterans' Individual Work Performance, Petrina Veola Stack
Influence of Police Officer Fear and Use-of-Force Outcomes, Michele D. Stafford
U.S. Public Health Service Nurse Officers Working in Disaster Settings, Ingrid StAmand
Reducing Patient Falls and Decreasing Patient Safety Attendant Utilization With CareView Communication Technology, Maura Marisela Stanford
Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Persons' Experiences With Counseling Assessments, Macie Stead
Implementing Motivational Strategies to Increase Funding in Nonprofit Organizations, Laxley Washington Stephenson
Strategies Employed by High School Social Workers to Help Young Mothers Remain in High School, Rosetta Stephens
Perceptions of Homeland Security Policing in an Urban Midwestern Community, Sukeena Stephens
Nurse Executives' Lived Experience of Incorporating Caring Leadership, Rachel Elizabeth Stepp
Reducing Errors with Blood Administration Transfusion Systems, Kim D. Stevens
Exploring Perceptions of the Transition From Health Science Practitioner to Academic, MaryAnne J. Stewart
Impact of Mandatory Sentencing Policies on Alabama's Prison Populations, Stephanie Elaine Stewart
Prostate Cancer Screening Rates for Haitian Men Based on Demographic Characteristics, Wilgyms St-Hilaire
Depression Screening for Bariatric Surgical Patients, Cova Teresa Stidham