Manufacturing Companies' Strategies to Mitigate Supply Chain Disruptions, Vanessa Kaye Benton
Manufacturing Companies' Strategies to Mitigate Supply Chain Disruptions, Vanessa Kaye Benton
Manufacturing Companies' Strategies to Mitigate Supply Chain Disruptions, Vanessa Kaye Benton
Adult Character Strength Use and Its Relationship to Physical and Mental Health, Angela Beth Bergen
Rehabilitation for Gang-Affiliated, Male, African American Juvenile Delinquents, Batsheva Berger
Undergraduate Nurse Educator Perceptions of Preparation to Teach Interprofessional Collaboration, Tamara Powell Berghout
Drugs, Alcohol, and the Community College Student-Athlete: A Narrative Study, Kevin A. Berg
Nursing Staff Development for Novice Nurse Practitioners in Acute Care, Carolyn Berglund
The Effects of a Teacher Coaching Model on Preschool Suspensions and Expulsions, Jody Jeanne Bering
Reading Perceptions of Hispanic English Language Learner Families in New York City, Ligoria Berkeley-Cummins
Sustainable Development Economy: Macroeconomic Policy and Microeconomic Impact of Public Private Partnerships, Richard Berkshire
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Counter-Narrative Tactics in Preventing Radicalization, Ellen Berman
Demographic and Symptomology Differences Among Sexually Assaulted Children with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Kathleen Bethel-Pracht
Faculty and Administrator Perceptions of the Attrition of Female Expatriate ESL Teachers' in Saudi Arabia, Salisha Bhola
Health Awareness on High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease, Innocent Bibi
Disruptive Innovation Within the Legal Services Ecosystem, Dr. Donald G. Billings
Development of an Online Resource Manual and Online Protocol to Facilitate Care Coordination, Leonore Bingham
Veteran Anger Dysregulation: A Phenomenological Analysis of Help-Seeking Through Social Media, Deanna Bishop-Deaton
Addressing the Completion Agenda by Improving a Community College's Student Retention Rates, Emily Jo Bishop
Exploring Information Technology Return on Investment Reports for Planning, Budgeting, and Implementation, Constantine Bitwayiki
Suicide Attempts and Their Contributing Factors Among African American Veterans, Gervline Blaise
Effects of High-Fidelity Simulation on the Critical Thinking Skills of Baccalaureate Nursing Students, Janine Roth Blakeslee
Fourth-Grade Teachers Use of MTSS-RTI to Teach Mathematical Word Problem-Solving, Theodell Joanna Blake
Instrumental Role Modeling and the Sensitive Topic of Obesity: A Grounded Theory, Tulie Blot Gay
Mental Health Courts: Mental Illness, Diversion Programs and Recidivism, Michelle Blount