"Novice Middle School Teachers’ and School Leaders’ Perceptions of Moti" by Carl Cleveland Williams

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Shelly Arneson


Motivators and supports can be a crucial part of the growth of a new teacher. However, capturing the most effective motivators and means of supports for novice teachers can be a daunting task as the needs can be ever-changing. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of novice middle school teachers’ and school leaders of the supports and motivators needed to enhance teacher retention. Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory was the conceptual framework for the study. Ten novice teachers and 10 school leaders from eight middle schools, serving Grades 6-8, in a school district located in a southern U.S. state participated in the study. The participants took part in online semi-structured interviews about their perceptions of key mentor motivators and supports. Data were coded and compared to derive key themes. The findings showed that novice teachers viewed personal connections, positive mentor teachers, relevant training, and support from school leaders as areas of need. School leaders perceived continuous communication, quality professional development, and a welcoming environment as areas that can have a positive impact on the longevity of novice teachers. Both participant groups expressed a need for communication, connection, and relevant professional development. The results were the basis for a 3-day professional development on providing supports for novice teachers at the middle school level during their second and third years of teaching. Implementation of the project may assist stakeholders in better identifying and responding to novice teachers’ needs. Doing so may foster a positive school environment that benefits teachers and students alike and promotes teacher retention.
