Date of Conferral







David Gould


Studies support the concept that a show of concern by marketing leaders for the consumer equates to consumer loyalty, consumer satisfaction, and positive consumer behavior change. The problem was that processes marketing leaders rely on to develop strategies in California may not show consideration of the campaign’s influence on consumers’ behavior. The purpose of this narrative inquiry was to answer the research question probing for how the processes marketing leaders rely on to develop marketing strategies in California show consideration of the campaigns’ influence on consumers’ behavior. The research question asked about the processes marketing leaders rely on to develop strategies that show consideration of the campaign’s influence on consumers’ behavior. The conceptual framework of consumerism was the lens used to highlight paternalistic processing decisions when analyzing the findings exploring marketing leaders’ strategy development processes. Audio data were collected via video conferencing and telephone interviews followed by member checking. Data were subsequently coded and analyzed for emerging themes or patterns. Findings indicated that all participants showed concern for the consumer, which showed in their strategy development processes choices used for behavior change that resulted from exposure to their marketing campaigns. Having a better understanding of these strategy development processes and decisions may help leaders put mechanisms in place to ensure behavior changes are helpful, thereby creating positive social change, thus benefiting managers, employees, and customers alike.
