Date of Conferral



Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)


Business Administration


Walter McCollum


The lack of employee engagement and increase in employee turnover adversely affect the healthcare industry’s business outcomes. Home healthcare leaders need engagement strategies to retain experienced employees as failure to engage employees results in decreased productivity and increased expenses associated with recruiting and training new hires. Grounded in Blau’s social exchange theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies that home healthcare leaders use to increase employee engagement and decrease employee turnover. The participants comprised eight current and former leaders and employees of home healthcare companies in Charlotte, North Carolina. The data collection processes included literature research, semistructured interviews, member checking, and examining company documents. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, and three themes emerged: (a) education and training, (b) listening and communication, and (c) administrative policies or guidelines. A key recommendation for healthcare leaders to implement a mandatory online engagement course that includes information explaining employee engagement, how to showcase the findings in an organization, and what engaged work is. The implications for positive social change include the potential for home healthcare leaders to provide ways to engage their employees in the conversation regarding improvement and organizational goals. Increased organizational growth can help offer support services to those in need by identifying problems and creating solutions in the community.

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