2010-2016 Archived Programs
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Welcome to the 2010 Walden University Winter Research Symposium. This session’s symposium highlights diverse research from our faculty, students, and graduates. The studies that are represented include work from student capstone projects as well as faculty research in development and research supported by grants or internal fellowships. We are proud that this year’s event includes poster and roundtable formats. Within the roundtable format, a select group of researchers will be available for interactive discussions of their work, with handouts and visual material available to support the discussion. Timely topics in this year’s symposium include education and health care policy reform, cyberbullying, multigenerational family research, nonprofit effectiveness, workforce development, and many other topics. Methodologies include in-depth qualitative investigations, large-scale quantitative projects, action research, and sophisticated mixed methods designs. We hope that the information presented and the opportunity to interact with featured researchers will inspire new ideas for future research among the participants and audience members alike. We hope that you will use this opportunity to make important contacts and share resource information. You can use the area at the back of this program to record key contacts made at this event.
Publication Date
Winter 2010
Dallas, TX
Research Symposium