Date of Conferral


Date of Award

May 2024




Human Services


Virginia Smith


This investigation sought to delve into the complex issues surrounding racial and institutional racism within urban educational frameworks, emphasizing the substantial role that systemic obstacles and prejudices play in perpetuating educational inequities. Amidst an expanding corpus of literature on this topic, the nuanced contributions of human service interventions to ameliorate these inequities have been somewhat overlooked. The objective of this research was to fill this knowledge void by examining the perspectives and experiences of a diverse range of professionals within the K-12 educational sector, from a human services standpoint. The study utilized qualitative research methodology, gathering data through interviews with a cohort of 12 educators and human service practitioners working in urban educational settings. The purpose was to explore how a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach could catalyze transformative changes. The analysis revealed the complex interactions between resource allocation, student needs, teaching methods, cultural inclusivity, and community involvement and how they are all a part of shaping students’ educational experiences in diverse settings. Insights gleaned from the study highlight the profound potential of human service interventions in reshaping school environments, directly tackling the underlying causes of educational disparities, and fostering a more equitable educational landscape. These findings offer practical guidance for positive social change for policymakers, educators, and human service workers, positing that joint efforts could significantly improve the educational experiences and outcomes for students in urban areas.
