"2011 Social Change Impact Report" by Walden University

Publication Date



The inaugural 2011 Social Change Impact Report examined social change engagement in the United States, revealing Americans’ beliefs about social change, the issues they care about, the motivations behind their engagement, the actions they take to further social change, and the tools they use.

A second survey included the views of more than 12,000 adults from Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Japan, Mexico, and Spain as well as the United States. The global survey similarly gauged adults’ perceptions on the importance of social change, the top issues in their country, and the future of social change from a global perspective.

The 2011 Social Change Impact Report site includes a link at which to download the two reports, resources for the media, an executive summary, appendix, a downloadable slide presentation on the findings, a video, and five infographics illustrating report findings.
