Research Symposium
Each summer, Walden University hosts a research symposium to showcase the scholarly efforts of our academic community. Presentations are given in two formats. Posters give researchers a chance to engage with all individuals attending the symposium and potentially to network with other interested researchers. Using a roundtable format, a select group of researchers are available for interactive discussions of their work, with handouts and visual materials available to support the discussion.
Each symposium offers a range of research topics from our faculty, students, and graduates. And, although the topics are as diverse as the methodologies used to study them, all presentations share a common goal of supporting positive social change. Some projects have been funded through internal grants, but many projects report cutting- edge findings from doctoral capstones, conducted by Walden students. The true strength of the symposia lies in the interactions between presenters and audience, however, so presentations of in-progress research are also supported.