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Goal Statement: The goal of this portfolio is to prevent and minimize sexually transmitted infections within Cumberland County, North Carolina by increasing the community’s awareness and comprehensive knowledge on the issue regarding adolescents.
Significant Findings: Cumberland County, North Carolina currently has a significant prevalence rate of sexually transmitted infections (North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services, 2023). STIs can cause individuals both physical and psychological consequences as well as cause financial burdens on society (Bender & Hill, 2021; CDC, 2023; World Health Organization, 2023). Adolescent Black females are among populations at increased risk of STI prevalence and face unique risk and protective factors, barriers, and advocacy needs regarding this target issue (Cipres et al., 2018; Shannon & Klausner, 2018; Van Gerwen et al., 2022).
Objectives/Strategies/Interventions/Next Steps: Advocacy measures regarding STIs among this target population can be met at the institutional, community, and public policy level. Advocacy measures at the institutional level could include collaboration with students to get a better understanding of where support networks may be lacking. Additionally, support groups or psychoeducational groups regarding young women’s sexual and reproductive health could be created and implemented within schools, churches, or other community organizations. Advocacy at the community level could include implementing comprehensive-based sexual education workshops with an emphasis on supportive, non-judgmental attitudes for either parents or school faculty members. This could help combat against STI stigma within important support networks for adolescents. Advocacy at the public policy level could include supporting and lobbying for comprehensive-based sexual education curriculums within the school system.