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Goal Statement: The aim of this social change portfolio is to decrease Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Wayne County by highlighting the need for increased physician training, screenings, and resources. Significant Findings: The population of Wayne County, MI experiences a higher instance of poor mental health days per month than the national average (County Health Rankings, 2023). In fact, those citizens report having 14 or more poor mental health days per month which is significant considering that is more than half of each month. ACE screening can detect stressors earlier in life, allowing attention, resources, and education to be funneled to that area of concern before it magnifies (CDC, 2023). ACE screening in Michigan is only provided by social workers and mental health counselors, and unfortunately, many citizens fall through the cracks of being able to see a counselor. This issue can be fixed by training primary care physicians to administer ACE screenings to their patients, thus increasing their reach. Objectives/Strategies/Interventions/Next Steps: The objective of this portfolio is to shed light on the poor mental health status of the Wayne County Community and provide a method of improving mental health through spreading ACE screening prevention. ACE screening prevention can be increased through training and educating primary care physicians on how to perform screenings and then providing them with the resources and referral information needed to be able to guide patients on the next steps they can take. Referrals can consist of many different routes depending on the results of the screening and what the patient chooses to discuss with their provider. For example, if a child has witnessed domestic violence at home, a referral for group therapy focusing on emotional healing, understanding emotional intelligence and surviving domestic violence might be appropriate. If an adult is screened and its discovered that they’ve experienced repeated sexual abuse as a child, especially if other symptoms are present such as anxiety or depression, they might be referred to speak with a trauma therapist, who can help the individual heal from childhood wounds and perhaps alleviate the symptoms they're experiencing. Widening the scope of ACE screenings even further, we can look toward the Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS), evidence-based program,which provides mental health screenings and therapy sessions within a school setting (Promising Practice Network, 2014). This program provides mental health screenings and therapy sessions within a school setting (Promising Practice Network, 2014). This model could be adopted here in Wayne County and would serve students who are silently struggling.
