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Goal Statement: The goal of this Social Change Portfolio is to raise awareness of the dangers of certain substances such as fentanyl, increase prevention measures, and reduce overall overdoses in Jackson County for the teen population.

Significant Findings: This paper examines substance abuse in Jackson County, Oregon. The county has over 229,000 residents, with over 105 overdoses so far in 2023. Looking at various factors, we can look at what contributes to and protects people from getting involved in substance abuse. Many people need help in Jackson County, but one population in particular is the American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN). Additionally, in order to prevent substance abuse, we need to focus prevention measures on those who would benefit the most, such as adolescents.

Objectives/Strategies/Interventions/Next Steps: We can see what is needed to help those in Jackson County by looking at past successful prevention measures. We can also take the risk and protective factors to see where efforts are needed. If we can increase education for adolescents to prevent substance abuse while also increasing protective factors, we can help protect the vulnerable. This can be accomplished by focusing on prevention measures during school times. These would teach the children the consequences of substance abuse, teaching life skills and how to successfully navigate challenges.
