Volume 10, Issue 1 (2018)
Servant Leaders as Change Agents
Janice P. Tanno and David K. Banner
Impact of a Postcollege Service-Learning Year: From Self to Social Justice
Kelly S. Hall and Cheryl H. Keen
Perceptions of Followers About Ethical Leadership and Attendant Effects on Organizational Success
Adejobi S. Odeneye, Stephanie N. Hoon, and Karla S. Phlypo
Positive Youth Development Sustainability Scale (PYDSS): The development of an assessment tool
Michael Sieng, Scott Cloutier, and Katherine Irimata
Crisis Intervention Team Training and the Protection Motivation Theory
Monique Allen and Greg Campbell
Determining Pathways and Connections Between Access to Water and High School Noncompletion Rates for Communities Along the U.S.–Mexico Border
Margie R. Vela, Sarah E. Lind, and Paul H. Gutierrez
Leadership In Community Public-Private Partnership Health And Social Care Initiatives
Hawa Yatera Mshana, Magdeline Aagard, Cheryl Cullen, and Patrick A. Tschida
The Intersection of Civic Engagement and Civic Attidues Among Latino Youth through a Factor Analysis
Nicole Webster, Erica Sausner, Bader Alotaibi, and Ashley Patterson
Denzin’s Paradigm Shift: Revisiting Triangulation in Qualitative Research
Patricia Fusch, Gene E. Fusch, and Lawrence R. Ness
Empowering Internal Stakeholders Through the Dissemination of Useful Information: A Review of Crisis Management Concepts
Patricia I. Fusch, Janie A. Hall, and Gene E. Fusch