Perceived Competency in Grief Counseling: Implications for Counselor Education
Rick Jude Cicchetti, Laurie McArthur, Gary M. Szirony, and Craig Blum
Death Anxiety, Depression, and Coping in Family Caregivers
Veronica Semenova and Leann Stadtlander
Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Among SNAP Participants With Prediabetes
Diana L. Malkin-Washeim, PhD, MPH, R.D., CDE and Shirley Gerrior, PhD, R.D.
A Comparative Analysis of Mississippi Rural Schools’ Abstinence-Only and Abstinence-Plus Programs
Alonzo Jeffrey Williams, Brian Zamboni, and Rachel Piferi
"That's Not Fair!" Children's Judgments of Maternal Fairness and Good/Bad Intentions
Marla Johnston and Herbert D. Saltzstein
Diminished Quality of Life among Women affected by Ebola
Jessi Hanson, Alexis Decosimo, and Megan Quinn
Correlates of Satisfaction With Life for People Who Identify as Transgender and Sexual Minority
Christopher C. Bober, Kristen L. Suing, and Dustin K. Shepler
Book Reviews
Doing Qualitative Research Online Book Review
Donna M. Busarow
Book Review of Cure
David Yells