About This Journal
The mission of the Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences (JSBHS) is to encourage dialogue between scholars and practitioners in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. The journal seeks to inform the relationship between practice and research in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. More information about the journal can be found in Aims and Scope.
Open Access
The journal supports the open exchange of information and offers Diamond Open Access, which includes free access to peer-reviewed articles and content without charging article processing and publishing fees. Please see the Policies section for more information on authors’ rights.
General Guidelines for Article Preparation and Development
All submissions to the JSBHS must adhere to these Submission Guidelines for Authors. Only original manuscripts should be submitted. Manuscripts that have been previously published or are forthcoming in an archival journal or book (print or electronic) are not eligible for submission. Manuscripts that are currently under review with another journal (electronic or print) are also not eligible for submission.
Publication Schedule
All manuscripts are peer reviewed, and authors receive a first decision approximately 30 days after submission. Upon final acceptance, articles in a volume year are published online immediately after completion of the editorial process.
Indexing and Abstracting
The Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences is listed in Ulrich’s and Cabells' Journal Whitelist and included in National Library of Medicine Catalog. Articles are indexed in the following services::
- EBSCOhost
- Academic Search Complete, 1/1/2010-
- Academic Search Ultimate, 1/1/2010-
- EBSCO Open Access Journals, 1/1/2010-
- EBSCO Open Access Medical and Health Collection, 1/1/2010-
- Health Policy Reference Center, 1/1/2010-
- STM Source, 1/1/2010-
- PubMed Central: Selected citations only, in compliance with public access policies.
The Editor
Leann (Lee) Stadtlander, PhD, is the Associate Director of Faculty Research in Walden University’s Center for Research Quality. She is both an experimental psychologist and a clinical health psychologist. An accomplished author and speaker, Dr. Stadtlander is the author of a recent book and over 40 professional articles, book chapters and continuing education courses for health professionals, and over 75 professional presentations. Contact the editor at jsbhs@mail.waldenu.edu.