The Social Psychology of Stigma

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Originally Published In

Multiple Minority Identities: Applications For Practice, Research, And Training, New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Page Numbers



This important volume chronicles a shift from the old multicultural paradigm that depicts members of a minority group as being limited to racial and ethnic categories, to a modern definition of minorities. Moreover, many of these stigmatized individuals belong to more than one minority group, resulting in stigmatization not only outside of their identified primary group, but also within it.

Seeking to address the complex problems of individuals who claim more than one minority identification, the volume culls the accumulated wisdom of leaders in the field of minority research and practice and integrates the three major areas of multicultural and diversity studies in a single volume. It addresses social identity, power and privilege, AIDS, multiculturalism as it relates to gender, as well as ethnicity. It also discusses therapeutic approaches, supervisory issues, and interpersonal issues for practitioners. It provides self-administered inventories, to help clinicians assess their need for additional supervision or training.
