The Relationship of Supervisor and Trainee Gender Match and Gender Attitude Match to Supervisory Style and Supervisory Working Alliance

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Counselling and Psychotherapy Research

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Background: Gender-related events have the potential to impact the supervisory relationship. Gender events might be related to the match between supervisors and supervisees on variables such as gender or gender attitudes. Method: In this study, we sought to determine whether gender match and gender attitude match were related to supervisory style and the supervisory working alliance in 94 supervisory dyads using four instruments: the Gender Attitude Inventory; Operationalisation of Gender Match; Supervisory Styles Inventory; and the Working Alliance Inventory/Supervision. Results:Progressive dyads (in which supervisors have more liberal attitudes about societal issues and culturally defined roles for women than their supervisees) were perceived by supervisors as more task-oriented than parallel-high dyads (in which supervisors and supervisees both had liberal attitudes). Implications for counseling supervision are discussed.
