"What Metasynthesis Does and Doesn’t Reveal About Critical Thinking Ins" by Paula Dawidowicz

What Metasynthesis Does and Doesn’t Reveal About Critical Thinking Instruction in Secondary Schools

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Originally Published In

Poster presented at the Seventh International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, IL.


In 2007, the Open Society Institute (OSI) started to support the implementation of the Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking (RWCT) program in Liberia, a post-conflict country whose educational system is heavily marked by the recently ended civil war. By the fall of 2008, close to 150 schoolteachers, school administrators and teacher trainers have participated in RWCT training, organized in collaboration with the Stella Maris Polytechnic, and the Liberian Ministry of Education (within the USAID supported Liberian Teacher Training Program). By May 2008, ten Liberian RWCT trainers were ready to co-train with non-Liberian RWCT trainers in a several-week-long teacher training program. In the summer of 2008, Critical Thinking Liberia, an RWCT teacher trainers - professional association was started. The presenters will share the Liberian perspective on the RWCT program's adequacy and timeliness in a post-conflict education system.
