"Meaning in Life As a Predictor of Personal Growth Initiative and Emoti" by J. K. J. K. Niles, A. Spargo et al.

Meaning in Life As a Predictor of Personal Growth Initiative and Emotional Intelligence for Adolescents

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Originally Published In

Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling


Meaning in life is the process in which individuals make sense of their lived experiences and the world around them. In adolescence, youth face developmental challenges and stressors that can threaten their well-being. Knowledge of the mechanisms and contributors to protective factors, such as meaning in life, can enhance counselors’ and school counselors’ delivery of services to adolescents and support their optimal growth. In this study, we conducted multiple regression analyses to examine the relationship between participants’ meaning in life, emotional intelligence, and personal growth initiative in a youth sample (n = 203). Our findings indicated that meaning in life was related to students’ personal growth initiative and emotional intelligence. Specifically, we identified that meaning in life predicted personal growth initiative and emotional intelligence for participants in this study. Based on our findings, we offer practical implications for school counselors and counselors working with youth. Implications for research are also provided.
