"Gender Inequity in the Public Health Workforce" by Montrece Ransom

Gender Inequity in the Public Health Workforce

Document Type


Publication Date


Originally Published In

Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

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Issue Number


Page Numbers



Context: Public health is a gendered field. Although a majority of the public health workforce, women encounter an imbalance of power and experience disparate opportunities within the profession.

Analysis: This article offers a multidimensional critique of gender inequity within the public health workforce through an examination of the literature.

Results: There are three existing disparities between men and women in public health: unequal representation in leadership positions; persistence of wage discrimination; and disparities in scholarly publication and citations. Disparities are often more pronounced among women with intersectional identities (eg, race/ethnicity or other identities).

Discussion: Gender inequity is structural, and solutions must address micro-, interactional, and macro-levels. The changing workforce and practitioners' skills in addressing upstream issues provide the opportunity to address this issue.
