"Role of Nigerian Labor Force Demand in Domestic Child Trafficking" by Muideen Adegboyega Salami

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Public Policy and Administration


Olivia Yu


AbstractChild trafficking, especially internal trafficking of children, is increasing despite efforts by Nigerian federal, state, and local governments and agencies and other local and international organizations. Internal child trafficking has denied many Nigerian children access to quality education and human rights protections. The purpose of this generic qualitative study was to investigate the perceptions of law enforcement officers and bureaucrats regarding the influence of domestic labor demand on internal child trafficking in Nigeria. The labor market segmentation theory and routine activities theory provided theoretical foundations to explore the demand or pull factor of internal child trafficking in Nigeria. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 12 participants who were law enforcement officers and bureaucrats in Ondo State, Nigeria. The data were transcribed and analyzed manually to develop categories and generate two themes: the increasing demand for cheap domestic labor (demand factor) and the quest for high-paying jobs and opportunities (supply factor). The study provided a better understanding of traffickers’ modus operandi, victims’ vulnerability, challenges facing law enforcement in the country, and impact of domestic labor demand. Findings may be used to mitigate internal child trafficking in Nigeria leading to positive social change.

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