"Perceptions of Domestic Violence Among Women in the Department of Arti" by Kenaz Jean Baptiste

Date of Conferral





Public Policy and Administration


Glenn Lee Starks


One of the major problems that face women in Haiti, especially those in the department of Artibonite, is domestic violence also called domestic or relationship abuse, and intimate partner violence. In the department of Artibonite (Artibonite county), violation of women’s rights is stimulated and encouraged by cultural norms, religious practices, economic, social, and political conditions. This phenomenological study explored the experiences, views, and beliefs of abused women in the department of Artibonite, Haiti, and the factors that influence domestic violence. Data were acquired through in-depth interviews of 17 women and was coded, categorized, and summarized into interpretive themes. Elements such as age, number of children, education level, marital status, and employment/income foster insecurity in the lives of women in the department of Artibonite, Haiti. Additionally, stigma and shame force these women to comply with the abuses, and to accept their humiliation and isolation for the sake of conforming to social standards. This study also showed the transmission of the violence from one generation to another as demonstrated by the social learning theory and the power imbalance proved by the feminist theory. Implications for positive social change include using this analysis as an opportunity for policymakers to develop effective policies and efficient programs focusing on gender equality and addressing the fight against gender-based violence.
