"Teachers' Perceptions of the Role that School Administrators Play in T" by LaKeshia L. Polite

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Judith Tanner


The role that middle or high school administrators play in the job satisfaction of teachers has not sufficiently been studied. The purpose of this basic qualitative study, guided by Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory, was to understand the veteran teachers' perception of the role that school administrators play in their job satisfaction. The researcher sought to determine the motivating factors that school administrators focus on to increase job satisfaction and the hygiene factors that school administrators focus on to decrease job dissatisfaction. One-on-one, semistructured interviews were conducted with veteran teachers (9 female teachers and 1 male teacher). Data were analyzed with codes and themes. Teachers were targeted that were employed in the middle or high school level for one full academic calendar year or longer. Four motivation themes were identified: (a) teachers want school administrators to recognize them for the work they do; (b) teachers feel that their greatest achievement is working with school administrators to help students succeed; (c) teachers find that motivation comes from the level of autonomy given to them by their school administrator; and (d) teachers find that professional growth comes from professional development workshops provided by school administrators. Three hygiene themes were identified: (a) the role school administrators play in maintaining effective work conditions; (b) teachers feel that a lack of support from school administration contributes to job dissatisfaction; and (c) teachers value the need to build interpersonal relationships with school administrators. Findings from this study contribute to positive social change by providing school administrators, educators, and education officials with a greater understanding of the factors that can improve their professional practice and consequently the teacher's well-being.

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