"Conceptualising, Implementing, and Teaching Ethical Leadership for Nig" by Stella Benaiah Georgeson-Agege

Date of Conferral







Maja Zelihic


Unethical behavior of some Nigerian public officials has resulted in poverty of citizens and a lack of infrastructure such as shelter, electricity, and roads in the country. Researchers have noted that ethical leadership frameworks could address these issues. In Nigeria, there are no such frameworks. The aim of this study was to explore the views of experts on conceptualizing, implementing, and teaching ethical leadership for Nigerian Public officials. Using the Brown et al. ethical leadership theory as a conceptual framework, and the Delphi method, 3 rounds of questionnaires and interviews were administered to 20 experts. The research question included curriculum development for ethical leadership praxis and best practices for teaching ethical behavior. Thematic analysis was the method for data analysis. Triangulation and member checking were the methods for validation. The results highlighted 10 themes for conceptualizing, implementing and teaching ethical leadership as follows: law, norms and values, governance, effective communication, responsibility of the executives, responsibility of ethics agencies, instrument for implementing ethical leadership, education and training programs. The themes highlight various elements, and behaviors that may be useful to nurture and sustain ethical leadership in Nigerian public agencies. Nigerian public officials may use these elements and behaviors to promote positive social change through appropriate disbursement of funds for provision of electricity, water, roads, schools, hospitals for Nigerian citizens.
