"Exploring Predictive Variables of Burnout in Students Attending Easter" by Denise Deloris Lewis

Date of Conferral







Rodney K. Ford


The medical students of the Eastern Caribbean medical schools form a cohort of international students completing their clinical years of training on the Islands. They experience a degree of burnout though to a lesser extent than indicted in the literature. The Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey Student (MBI-GS(S) and a structured questionnaire of sociodemographic qualities and the medical education process items, were used to assess the relationship between the predictive variables and burnout. An N=96 was obtained from the student population. The data collected was analyzed using a series of multiple linear regression. The findings of the linear regression were statistically significant, F (3, 64) = 5.28, p = .003, and R2 = .198, suggesting that there was a significant predictive relationship between previous diagnosis and presence of a mental disorder and overall burnout. The coefficient of determination, R2, suggests that 19.8% of the variance in overall burnout can be explained by the previous diagnosis and presence of mental disorder variables. There was no significant predictive relationship between family support and overall burnout, and medical school and overall burnout. This study can inform the medical education community about the variables associated with burnout among the students and what preventive strategies and interventions are necessary to mitigate burnout and to encourage for further studies on burnout leading to positive social change.
