"The Nature and Effectiveness of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Prog" by Keena Esemuede

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Public Administration (D.P.A)


Public Policy and Administration


Gerald Regier


The frequent occurrences of fraud over the life of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) have indicated a need for robust fraud detection strategies. This qualitative study explores the nature and effectiveness of current fraud detection strategies for the SNAP in Baltimore County during 2008-2018 to understand what strategies can possibly reduce fraud within the program. The primary methods of fraud (conceptual framework) and social disorganization theory (theoretical framework) were used to collect the data for this study. The data included interviews with 1 administrator and 3 store managers who oversee the SNAP in Baltimore County, as well as 5 case studies from the public website Findlaw. After data collection, data analysis and interpretation were conducted using a data analysis spiral model, pattern matching technique, interpretation guidance, and hierarchical tree diagram. The study's findings revealed that fraud typically occurs at point of sale. The results of the case studies and participants' responses to the interview questions indicated the need to develop strategies that are preventative actions rather than responsive measures. For this reason, basic and advanced fraud detection strategies were developed with the intent of preventing fraud in the SNAP at the point of sale and during the eligibility process. Overall, this study implicates a positive social change to the SNAP in that its intent is to contribute to the effectiveness of fraud detection strategies used for the SNAP.
