Date of Conferral



Doctor of Social Work (DSW)


Social Work


Bernadette Marson


Nearly 1 billion individuals worldwide are diagnosed with a neurological condition. Neurological conditions might harm an individual’s overall mental state and quality of life. This qualitative action research project examined the social worker’s role in treating individuals with neurological impairments due to brain trauma. Information was gathered using a focus group of 4 rehabilitation social workers in Dallas, Texas, about their experiences related to utilizing social work practice with patients who have neurological conditions. Data from this action research project revealed an understanding of the psychosocial benefits of social work services for individuals with neurological impairments due to brain trauma by increasing knowledge related to a social worker’s role in treating individuals within this population. Medical social workers, communities and health care settings can benefit from this study by gaining a deeper understanding of the importance of incorporating social work services to aid in the rehabilitation of this population.

Included in

Social Work Commons
