Date of Conferral



Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




Margaret Harvey


Adolescent obesity is a worldwide multifaceted epidemic. This disease affects the medical, physical, psychosocial, and family aspects of adolescent life. Identification, diagnosis, and referrals to providers that can initiate early interventions that improve weight status have been recommended as critical steps in curtailing childhood obesity. This evidence-based clinical practice guideline (CPG) was developed for the healthcare providers at a rural clinic in Southwest Arkansas to provide consistency in the identification, diagnosis, and referral of adolescents. The health belief model (HBM) and the trans-theoretical model (TTM) were used to consider adolescents’ individual characteristics and beliefs as well as their readiness to change. The project question examined the development of a CPG and how it could impact a more consistent method of diagnosis, referral, and treatment for the obese teens. The Inter-professional Collaborator Assessment Rubric (ICAR) assessment and evaluation tool was used to collect data regarding inter-professional collaboration. Seven healthcare providers participated in the ICAR questionnaire. Results of this evaluation found that healthcare providers could improve inter-professional collaboration for this population by the creation of the CPG. Implementation of the CPG to gather data for the clinic are recommended. Other recommendations are to trial in other small rural clinics to determine if findings correlate. If so, this could have the potential for a positive social change for this population’s health, mental status, and social health. This could impact healthcare costs as the adolescent grows into adulthood.

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Nursing Commons
