"Periodic Skills Education to Improve Competency in New Nurses" by Karen Broomes-James

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




Carolyn Sipes


On entry into the nursing profession, new graduate nurses (NGNs) possess some knowledge and skills competency but self-report learning gaps in various areas. Experienced nurses have reported that new nurses do not always have knowledge and competency in essential nursing skills. Undergraduate nursing programs and organization orientation programs provide valuable foundational knowledge but are sometimes limited in providing multiple exposures to content. Lagging skills acquisition contributes to self-doubt, lack of confidence and high attrition among NGNs. There is little data in the literature about the provision of supplemental education to new nurses immediately after orientation, and this doctor of nursing practice project seeks to address that gap in practice. The practice-focused question assessed the effect of supplemental education sessions on knowledge and competence among new nurses. Benner’s novice to expert model and Duchscher’s stages of transition theory and transition shock model provided the framework for exploring competency acquisition among new nurses. The analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate model provided direction for the development of an evidence-based educational activity to address the nurses’ learning needs. Evidence from the literature guided this project. Data to answer the project question were derived through analysis of pretest and posttest responses from 23 NGNs. Results of a paired t test comparing NGN pretest and posttest scores (t = -14.323, df = 22, p = <.001) indicated that the educational intervention led to clinically significant increases in knowledge. The education program promoted social change by improving nursing knowledge self-confidence and competence, thereby facilitating easier transition to practice.
