"Financial Illiteracy of Nigerian Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Houston" by Adewole M. Omogunsoye

Date of Conferral







Richard Schuttler


Financial literacy is an essential determinant of entrepreneurial success as it helps entrepreneurs to access credit and make rational financial decisions. However, financial literacy remains low especially among immigrant communities, who form the bulk of the low-income earners in the United States. The purpose of this qualitative exploratory case study was to explore the financial literacy of Nigerian immigrant entrepreneurs living in Houston, Texas, in order to sustain growth in their business by successfully using the U.S credit system. The research question for the study examined the actions Nigerian immigrant entrepreneurs in Houston need to take to be financially literate and navigate the U.S. credit system. The study was based on the rational choice theory. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from a purposive sample of 18 Nigerian entrepreneurs with businesses in Houston, Texas. Data analysis was conducted through hand-coding and validated with QSR Nvivo software. The results from the study indicated that credit rating, credit information, collateral, credit unions, networking, state government support, and a good business financial plan are important effective strategies for the Nigerian immigrant entrepreneurs to enhance their overall level of financial literacy with a view to promote business sustainability. The results of this study may contribute to positive social change by helping Nigerian immigrant entrepreneurs to obtain a more in-depth understanding of the U.S. credit system, encourage Nigerian immigrant entrepreneurs to share financial literacy strategies, and advance research on the relationship between the U.S. credit system and business sustainability.
