"Strategies for Implementing E-Learning Solutions in Ghana’s Public Uni" by Joyce Manu

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)




Elizabeth Thompson


Thousands of qualified university applicants are denied admission into mainstream public universities in Ghana each year mainly due to lack of physical space on campuses, but e-learning has been identified as a way of increasing admissions. However, there have been no strategies for implementing solutions to e-learning, and so this study was conducted to identify these strategies. The conceptual framework comprised of status quo bias, culture, and resistance to change. A qualitative modified Delphi approach was used for the study with three rounds of surveys. The 11 panelists were administrators and/or professors who had been in their positions for 2 years or more in their universities. After three Delphi rounds, participants agreed on 10 strategies: assess overall needs of a university before e-learning is implemented, set goals for implementing e-learning, involve top management in developing and implementing e-learning, assess specific IT needs in order to implement e-learning, assess actual financing options for e-learning, find different options/strategies for implementing e-learning goals, assign responsibilities to specific personnel or committee to oversee the implementation, involve other stakeholders besides top management in developing and implementing e-learning strategies, provide needed resources for e-learning, and provide e-learning training to relevant stakeholders. University administrators in Ghana may use these strategies to implement e-learning and increase admissions each year. More students having access to higher education can lead to better jobs and better standard of living for graduates and their families and also enable them to contribute to Ghana’s economy.

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