"Narrative in the Intergenerational Transmission of Learning Among Jama" by Binta Masani

Narrative in the Intergenerational Transmission of Learning Among Jamaican Female Basket Weavers

Date of Conferral







Leslie Van Gelder


Historically speaking, many of the social skills necessary to prepare young people for their transition into adulthood occurred through informal tacit learning systems. While an observed practice, scholarly analyses of the role of narrative as an educational tool in the social practices of multigenerations of cultural sharing females is nonexisitent in academic literature. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the role of narrative in the intergenerational transmission of life learning among Jamaican females from a basket weaving community. Narrative inquiry was the research method used to capture the lived experiences of Jamaican females from a basket weaving community. The conceptual framework for this study was narrative learning (storytelling) along with an adult development life cycle model and informal adult learning theories. The sample population included females age 18 to 69 years old from a Jamaican basket weaving community. Data collection involved informal and semi-structured face-to-face interviews. Reflexivity and peer review guided the data analysis process. An interpretative content analysis included open, axial, and descriptive coding. The results of this study confirmed that intergenerational relationships still exist and flourish among Jamaican females in a basket weaving community. Findings from this study can be used to improve female mentoring relationships, implement intergenerational partnerships between individuals and community-based organizations, and contribute toward social change for disenfranchised women and girls through the expansion of nontraditional adult and Other Education programs.

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