"Community-Based Workers’ Treatment and Relationship With African Ameri" by André V. Haley

Date of Conferral





Human Services


Dr. Avon Hart-Johnson


Helping professionals have a role as service providers when working with African American men with dual diagnosis and incarceration histories. The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to understand how helping professionals provided community-based treatment and established a helper/helpee relationship with this population of African American men. Hirschi’s social control theory provided the framework for the study. Semistructured interviews were used to collect data from 9 helping professionals who worked with this population in the Northeast United States. Yin’s 5-step model for case studies was used for data analysis and thematic coding. Findings indicated that professionals lacked competency in accessing community resources. Also, participants reported a need for an integrative dual diagnosis treatment model, cultural inclusivity, and an intrinsic pull that drives the helper/helpee relationship. Findings may be used to help practitioners better understand how to provide treatment to this population and improve system continuity of care. Findings may also be used to contribute to social change to shape future interventions and promote further research on this topic.
