"Understanding Male Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence and Women’s D" by Linda Musu Edwards

Date of Conferral







Leslie Hussey


Sub-Saharan Africa is host to more than 70% (25.5 million) of people with HIV/AIDS. More than half of the reported cases of people living with HIV/AIDS are women who are twice as likely to contract HIV than males in sub-Saharan Africa. The purpose of this study guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior was to determine if a relationship between female demands for male partner condom use and male perpetrated intimate partner violence (MPIPV) in opposite sex cohabitating or married couples, as well as examine the relationship between the risk factors of age, education level, socioeconomic status, history of MPIPV, and women’s demands for male partner condom use. Three hundred and thirteen women between the ages of 18-35 residing in Liberia anonymously completed the Sexual Relationship Power Scale. Using multiple regression analysis, the results showed that women’s demands for male partner use was related to risk for MPIPV, a history of MPIPV was related to women’s decreased demands for male partner condom use, and some of the sociodemographic characteristics of age, education, socioeconomic status (employment), and history of MPIPV were related to women’s decreased demands for male partner condom use. The results from this study have the potential for contributing to positive social change by guiding the development of targeted gender-based HIV programs and increase awareness of MPIPV as a contributing factor to HIV risk exposure among women. Recommendations for future research include studies examining larger population of women to include sexually active women instead of the age limitation.
